How to Find Affordable Fillers And Botox in Chattanooga: A Guide
6 tips for finding the most affordable fillers and Botox in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Finding Facial Harmony with Botox & Filler in Chattanooga, TN
Are you on the lookout for the best Botox provider in Chattanooga, but feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of choices? Look no further! In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential steps…
The Benefits of Botox for Men
Are you on the lookout for the best Botox provider in Chattanooga, but feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of choices? Look no further! In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential steps…
Which Botox Lasts the Longest? A Comparison of Botulinum Toxins
Not sure which botulinum toxin brand will give you the most result for your money? Read this blog written by an experienced injector who has used all types of toxins.
Top 10 Areas to Treat with BOTOX®
Read along to learn the inside scoop on the most popular areas to treat with Botox. More than just the forehad and crows feet!
How to find the Best Botox in Chattanooga: A Quick Guide
Are you on the lookout for the best Botox provider in Chattanooga, but feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of choices? Look no further! In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential steps…
How to Prevent Mascne (Mask-Acne)
Have you been noticing more breakouts since the arrival of coronavirus 2020? It’s entirely possible your new acne may be caused by increased mask usage. We like to refer to this particular type of acne as “mascne” (Mask-acne.) Folks who work in healthcare are very familiar with mascne but for those of us who aren’t accustomed to wearing a mask, this acne is likely an unwanted surprise. Book Now WHAT CAUSES MASCNE? Mascne is brought on by a combination of friction, dirt collection, and increased moisture retention. All of these factors contribute to debris and oil on the skin, which is basically heaven for Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that cause comedones or pimples. 1. Wash daily… Wash your mask, that is. If you have a cloth mask wash it every day or buy several so you can change them out daily. Our bodies shed thousands of dead skin cells everyday, so your mask will accumulate more than enough pore-clogging debris after one day of use. Of course, cleansing your face at least once a day is still essential for acne-free skin. You can cleanse even more frequently by investing in some facial cleansing cloths. Colorescience hydrating cleansing cloths ($19) are perfect for removing oil and build-up on the go. 2. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. You’re going to need to exfoliate about twice as often as you were before prior to wearing a mask. Frequent exfoliation allows the corneocytes (the dead cells that form the outermost layer of the skin) to shed more rapidly, giving them less of a chance to clog pores. Individuals with extremely oily skin may have to exfoliate as often as everyday. Pro tip: Opt for gentle chemical exfoliants such as glycolic or lactic acid that do the work for you. Avoid using physical scrubs that damage the skin barrier; these can actually exacerbate acne. We like Biologique Recherche Lotion P50. Colorescience hydrating cleansing cloths ($19) are perfect for removing oil and build-up on the go. 3. Use salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is your new best friend during this time. This is one of the most time tested anti-acne ingredients. Not only will it help shed that top layer of dead skin, but it’s also highly anti-inflammatory. You can find salicylic acid in various cleansers or toners. At our clinic, we recommend a triple therapy salicylic acid treatment kit ($68) for our acne patients. Reveskin’s Acne Purifying Treatment Kit penetrates deeper into the skin than over-the-counter salicylic acid formulations. Available for purchase online for $68. 4. Lather with benzoyl peroxide cleanser daily. Benzoyl peroxide is lethal to acne bacteria. A 60 second lather with this daily will help keep the acne population on your skin under control. 2% Salicylic acid toner, available for $29.50 at Paula’s Choice. 5. Get an anti-acne treatment. Radiofrequency microneedling Vivace treatments decrease sebum production for an extended period of time which will provide acne relief for up to 8 weeks. Skintox (microdroplets of Botox placed in the epidermis) also halts oil production for 2-3 months. Microneedling is yet another great way to put a damper on ongoing acne and will speed reduction of pre-existing acne scars and associated discoloration. Vivace, a cutting edge radiofrequency microneedling device that diminishes acne production. With these tips under your belt you should be able to recover your glowing skin in no time, yet still continue to stay safe while wearing your mask for hours per day! To book a consult for acne at SLK, please request an appointment here. Book Now
Why Nurses Make The Best Injectors
WHY ARE NURSES THE BEST BOTOX AND FILLER INJECTORS? May means National Nurses week is upon us. At SLK, we are proud that 100% of all our procedures are performed by board-certified and licensed nursing staff. We wanted to take the time to highlight why we are so pro-nursing and why we believe nurses make the best injectors. BOOK NOW 1. NURSES ARE “BORN” TO USE NEEDLES. Starting in their first year of nursing school, nurses become “fluent” in using needles to insert IVs, give shots, and draw blood. Once they graduate and start jobs in the hospital, nurses are responsible for almost all the IVs and blood draws in the hospital. They become accustomed to using needles of all sorts and sizes dozens of times per day. No other healthcare professional spends more time using needles than nurses do. That’s why nurse injectors seem to be so comfortable during aesthetic procedures; working with a needle is almost second nature to them. 2. EVEN THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES KNOW NURSES MAKE THE BEST INJECTORS The companies that sell neurotoxins and fillers like Allergan, Galderma, and Merz, all choose to employ nurses as their clinical trainers. These nurses travel all over the country on behalf of these multi-billion dollar brands to teach new practices how to inject Botox and filler. (Yes, they even train doctors). Below are some of the most well-known clinical trainers for injectables in the country: Rand Rusher (registered nurse) Lori Robertson (nurse practitioner) Shelby Miller (nurse practitioner) George Baxter-Holder (nurse practitioner) 3. NURSES ARE EXPERTS IN PAIN MANAGEMENT Did you know that almost every class in nursing school teaches how to to control pain and suffering? Nurses are the healthcare providers primarily responsible for recognizing pain and finding solutions. Whether it’s suffering in the form of anxiety before a procedure, or the pain of a needle poke, you can bet that an experienced nurse has a handful of interventions up their sleeve to make the experience more comfortable for you. 4. NURSES ARE EXPERTS IN STERILE TECHNIQUE “Sterile technique” is the practice of keeping a procedure free from microorganisms that might cause an infection. Breaches in sterile technique during filler procedures can open up a patient’s risk of infection and long-term side effects. Nurses are specially trained to be vigilant in recognizing breaches in infection control and sterile technique. In fact, they are the leaders of the infection control teams in hospitals, and all operating rooms have a designated nurse who is responsible for ensuring patients are safe from infections intraoperatively. Nurses are accustomed to preparing sterile fields for doctors and surgeons pre-procedure. As nurse injectors, they continue to carry out this practice for their own patients as well. NURSES ARE LEADERS IN AESTHETIC INJECTIONS It is no coincidence that nurses are the aesthetic industry’s leaders in injectables, performing more Botox and filler injections than any other healthcare profession. To find a nurse injector near you, head to to do a search in your area. MEET SLK’S NURSING STAFF Meet SLK Clinic’s nurse injectors by reading their bios here. BOOK NOW
Why Botox Alone Is Not Enough To Stop Wrinkles
BOTOX IS A ONE DIMENSIONAL APPROACH Although Botox has a household name and seems to be synonymous with anti-aging, it is a very small component of achieving youthful skin. Botulinum toxin can be found in various injectable forms including: Botox, Dysport, and Jeuveau. Injected botulinum toxin plays a large part in slowing down the aging process by relaxing muscles. Although regular injections with neurotoxins are vitally important for wrinkle prevention, it is only one small part of aging prevention. BOOK NOW MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH Botox only treats one dimension of our face: the muscles. Our faces also have other organs that age with time such as skin, fat, and bone. To adequately prevent aging, a multidimensional approach is most effective. Addressing all components of the face are essential to a successful anti-aging regimen. HOW CAN I PREVENT SIGNS OF AGING? Our genetics cannot change but skincare, lifestyle choices and preventative measures can be addressed. Small acts of prevention can add up over time to have the overall effect of slowing down the aging process. SKINCARE ROUTINE TO SUPPORT BOTOX RESULTS: One of the first and most budget-friendly steps you can take is changing up your skincare regimen. Opt for professional-grade skincare products instead of off-the-shelf products from department stores or pharmacies: Retinol: Nouvelle Retinol 0.6% Correction Cream by Neocutis helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles by increasing cell turnover as well as the production of collagen. Sunscreen: The Colorescience Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield protects against UVA & UVB, blue (HEV) light, pollution, and infrared radiation (IR). Antioxidants: Biopelle Antioxidant Defense Serum delivers dramatic results to help repair damaged skin. It also is a strong protectant against environmental stressors, such as pollution and free radicals. The serum features powerful growth factors and anti-aging benefits and is fortified with Vitamin C, Ferulic acid and Edafence (which is an exclusive plant-based ingredient from Antarctica that delivers powerful antioxidant defense). Stem Cells/Growth Factors: As we age, the cells in our skin break down and skin stem cells are less able to replace them. Biopelle’s Tensage Stem Cell Cream features Cellpro Technology, a unique, natural ingredient extracted from snail eggs to help improve skin’s appearance during the aging process. LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: Stop smoking: Tobacco smoke contains toxins that can lead to premature aging including dull and dry complexion, loss of skin’s firmness, premature lines and wrinkles, and leathery skin. Protect Your Skin from the Sun: Seek shade and cover up (hats, long sleeves, long skirts and pants). Eat healthy foods & stay hydrated: A healthy diet promotes healthy skin. Make sure you stay hydrated and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid spikes in blood sugar from sugary foods like sweets and pastries, because this can also cause wrinkles over time. Get enough sleep: It’s called beauty rest for a reason. Skin repair occurs predominantly at night time. Sleep gives your body time to refresh and renew itself. IN CLINIC TREATMENTS TO COMPLEMENT BOTOX: The following treatments are considered crucial anti-aging maintenance. Without a couple of these treatments per year, your skin’s quality and collagen production will continue to decline. Microneedling & Vivace (Microneedling with Radiofrequency) stimulates collagen and elastin. Building these skin proteins diminishes fine lines and wrinkles that have become too deep for Botox to correct on it’s own. These treatments are recommended every 6 months for maintenance. Chemical Peels help with resurfacing the skin reducing fine lines and wrinkles. We recommend 2-3 peels per year. Neurotoxin Injections (Botox) every three months to relax facial muscles is still essential to preventing those creases from facial expressions. WHAT DOES SLK CLINIC OFFER TO FIGHT SIGNS OF AGING? In the battle against signs of aging, SLK clinic offers many measures to help prevent and treat signs of aging. Radiofrequency, Botox, microneedling, chemical peels and medical grade skincare products all help with fine lines, skin tone, and texture. Used in combination with scheduled Botox injections, a patient will find wrinkles diminish and an overall slowing of the aging process. BOOK NOW
Is It Possible To Stop Responding To Botox?
BOTOX RESISTANCE: FACT OR FICTION? Can someone stop responding to Botox? The short answer is, yes but it’s highly unlikely. Botox (and Dysport) are composed of proteins, and our bodies are able to sense different types of foreign proteins and create antibodies against them. (For example the gluten protein in wheat, and the ovalbumin protein in eggs). Once recognized, these antibodies will circulate and neutralize any Botox once it’s injected, resulting in loss of efficacy. BOOK NOW HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE ANTIBODIES? Again, the chances of being a true non-responder to Botox are extremely low. There are also no tests to determine if you have antibodies to Botox. However, there are a few things that can increase your chances of being a non-responder: If you received Botox prior to 1996. The batches of Botox produced in 1996 and earlier contained higher quantities of protein. This possibly rendered Botox more easily recognized and neutralized by the body. Receiving high doses of Botox. Individuals who receive Botox to treat neuromuscular disorders like dystonia, can receive very high doses of Botox, possible increasing the chance of generating an immune response to the Botox. However, if you receive a cosmetic dose (100 units or less) then this is not considered a high enough dose to warrant an immune effect. Receiving Botox too frequently. There is some scientific evidence to suggest that individuals who receive Botox sooner than every 2 months may be at higher risk for Botox resistance. This is why we recommend spacing apart your Botox appointments every 3 months. An early touch-up once in awhile is okay, but you should not make a habit of coming every few weeks for Botox. IF I AM RESISTANT TO BOTOX, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Luckily, it is thought that the immunogenicity wears off after a period of time. Also, Botox resistance is not thought to result in total lack of response, just a weakened response. One option you may try is trying other types of neurotoxins like Jeuveau, Dysport or Xeomin. Keep in mind that all of these neurotoxins have very similar chemical structures, so there is a chance you might not see a result from the other types either. You should keep this in mind if you are on a tight-budget. Alternative wrinkle-reducing therapies like microneedling may be a better option for you. WHAT ARE SOME OTHER REASONS SOMEONE MIGHT BECOME A NON-RESPONDER? In 99% of cases where someone says “their Botox didn’t work”, ” it wore off too soon,” or “they metabolized it quickly,” the patient is typically being under-dosed. If you are receiving, say, 30 units, and it’s wearing off in 6 weeks, then the most clear answer is that the dose needs to be increased. The higher the dose, the longer the duration. Other reasons for apparent Botox “resistance” include: Muscle adaptation. Sometimes other muscles responsible for movement will compensate for the paralyzed muscles, creating movement. Improper administration technique. It is possible that a new injector may make a mistake with dilution or placement of Botox. Unrealistic expectations of how much Botox needs to be used. If a patient is requesting an injection of only 12-20 units, then the provider should take the time to explain that the effect may wear off closer to 6 weeks. To sum it up, don’t worry if you believe you are becoming resistant to your Botox. Chances are, you are still a great responder. You just need to add some more units to your next dose. Maintain an open line of communication with your injector, be patient, and keep an open mind about how many units of Botox you might need. Contact us to schedule your complimentary Botox consultation BOOK NOW