What Is The Best Device For Skin Tightening?

“What can be done about my loose skin?” This is one of the most popular questions we hear at SLK Clinic during our consultations. Loose skin can happen anywhere on the body as we age. Luckily SLK offers skin tightening solutions that can treat loose skin on practically any body part. BOOK NOW So what causes our skin to loosen? Men and women alike lose vital collagen and elastin during the lifespan as part of the natural aging process. Aged collagen and elastin increases the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and loose skin. Loss of collagen, and more importantly elastin are two of the most vital contributing factors to aged skin. Age is not the only factor contributing to loose skin. Patients with significant weight fluctuations due to pregnancy or lifestyle choices may also benefit from skin tightening once their weight stabilizes. What is the best treatment for skin tightening? SLK Clinic offers a revolutionary solution for skin tightening. The Vivace device is a microneedling system that derives its power from specifically targeted radiofrequency waves designed to build new collagen and elastin. Vivace is one of the most revolutionary devices on the market and is completely customizable to each patient’s skin tightening needs. Vivace precisely delivers the perfect amount of tailored energy during every treatment to change the overall appearance and structure of the skin. The final result of Vivace establishes new elastin in the skin providing a lifting and tightening effect. Elastin production ramps up after Vivace is performed and continues to produce extra amounts until approximately six months after the procedure. How often should I have Vivace performed for skin tightening? Vivace for skin tightening should be performed in a series of three sessions. More sessions may be added as needed for tailored results. WHAT ARE THE MOST POPULAR AREAS TO TIGHTEN WITH VIVACE? Some of SLK’s most popular treatment areas include: around the eyes, submental “double chin”, arms, abdomen, back, flanks “love handles”, above the knees and derriere. What is the downtime after Vivace for skin tightening? There is practically no downtime after Vivace is performed. You may expect some mild, transient redness that resembles a sunburn the day of the treatment. Any redness will quickly subside. If downtime is a concern SLK offers special growth factors that may be used in addition to the treatment to reduce already minimal downtime. Is Vivace a type of surgery? No, Vivace is not a type of surgery although the results on some patients may resemble surgery. All patients with loose skin can benefit from Vivace skin tightening. BOOK NOW