Microneedling and Hydrafacial
Hydrafacial and Microneedling are two of the most talked about aesthetic procedures available to patients. The providers at SLK Clinic are frequently asked by our Nashville patients to discuss, compare, and explain which treatment option is better. Below are some of the most common questions we receive:
Hydrafacial Infusion
The hydrafacial procedure is a non-invasive technique that utilizes a suction device to extract debris in clogged pores, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin all during the procedure. The infusion aspect of Hydrafacial means serums are administered during the procedure into the newly unclogged pores. The procedure in essence is an extremely effective facial compared to traditional facial methods. The newly highly hydrated skin has the temporary effect of smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. The Hydrafacial procedure is usually performed by a non-medically licensed provider such as an esthetician.
Cleaning action of Hydrafacial using the suction device.
Microneedling is the process of causing controlled micro-injuries to the skin through the process of thousands of fine needle pokes. When there is an injury to the skin, the body begins to immediately repair itself through a process called the healing cascade. A vital component of the healing cascade is the addition of new collagen. Collagen production changes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by resurfacing the skin. Another very important aspect of microneedling is the needle depth as the procedure is performed. The needle depth determines what layer of skin is affected by the treatment. For new collagen to form, a needle must reach the dermis layer of skin. Only medically licensed providers can microneedle at an appropriate depth for collagen resurfacing.
The healing cascade of microneedling.
Growth Factor infusion during Microneedling
Another positive aspect of microneedling is the addition of growth factors. Microneedling provides us a window of opportunity to infuse growth factors that normally wouldn’t be able to penetrate deep into the skin on their own. Growth factors significantly drive up collagen production because growth factors act as signalers. Growth factors summon stem cells which responsible for regeneration and new growth. When topical growth factors are combined with microneedling, growth factors are allowed to penetrate deeper into the skin than typically possible, thus increasing healing properties as well as collagen production.
How does microneedling with growth factors stack up against Hydrafacial infusion?
Both procedures have benefits and deciding between the two varies depending on what treatment goals are. If a patient is looking for short-term reduced appearance of pores for an event with no downtime, then Hydrafacial is the best procedure. If a patient is ok with a few days of redness and is looking for a permanent solution for fine lines, wrinkles, scars, enlarged pores, and uneven skin tone, then microneedling is the best option.
What does SLK Clinic offer?
SLK’s mission is to deliver medical-grade aesthetic procedures that provide long-term results. Microneedling fits this treatment philosophy but Hydrafacial does not which is why SLK offers microneedling with growth factors and not Hydrafacial infusions.